It was the end of June, the end of the school year, the start of the summer. For me, that’s the real new year, when life falls back to give me a chance to rejuvenate and tackle new things. I had decided I would put myself out into the world this summer, do some road trips, scratch some things off my bucket list and make it a season to remember.
I had been thinking of a Montreal trip for some time already, knowing how it was only a couple hours away from my home in Ottawa. I had never been there before, but had read a lot about it in the books of Mordecai Richler and Heather O’Neill. Through those two authors the city had attained a kind of mythical quality, with their tales of streets teeming with a rich humanity and the delicious aroma of ethnic flavours wafting in the air. So I resolved that I would take at least a single day trip to see Ville Marie, the old city, and Mont Royal for its vista of the whole city and maybe a stroll down Rues St. Catherine and St. Urbain to see the environment that had been described to me so deliciously.
Fortuitously, I saw a post of a Facebook friend of a Facebook friend who was offering her apartment for part of the month of June. I thought maybe I could grab a weekend if the price was right. After a couple of messages back and forth, the price was more than right and I managed to get the place for three days immediately after the last day of school. Excited, I e-transferred the money to my newfound friend and benefactor and began to count the days.
This would be the first major trip I had ever done on my own after the break up of my marriage. When I would tell people about my plans, they would ask who was going with me, and they would be taken aback when I answered I would be alone. I’d been living alone for a while, which was difficult and even heartwrenching at times, but I had come to find a kind of freedom and peace in being by myself. In that solitude, I could rely on and dote on my own self, learning the pleasures of doing so, the existential minimalism of single life. I wanted to experience that joy in the context of travelling solo. I suppose there is an advantage to travelling with a partner into a new place; two heads being better than one and having someone at one’s side and watching one’s back, but that isn’t the context of my life right now. I was alone, so I was determined to use the occasion to do things at my own pace and see the things that interested me without any impedance.

Exactly the day after school was over for the year, I packed my car for the trip. A gentle
but steady rain had been falling, but I didn’t have any feeling that it would impede me or dampen my enjoyment. I knew that this would be the theme of the summer, as forecasted by most weather authorities; periods of rain and coolness with waves of heat and sun between them. There was no way to get around it. Rain is part of the climate here and when you can come to terms with that, nothing will dampen your spirits. It can’t deter you if you have a good umbrella. Besides, to expect your destination to be sunny and then complain when it’s not is to be infantile and shamefully shallow.

Driving into the city proper, I began to see what I would later find to be the architectural style of Montreal, where two or three story buildings are packed very close together, or in some instances, directly against each other. You might think that packing 1.7 million people into a small area would be a bad thing, stacking them one floor upon another, but Montreal seems to make it work. The traffic flow system coming into the downtown can also be a little overwhelming with a near-maddening array on one-way streets, but once one learns which street goes in which direction, you can lock into the concept and actually find your way around over time. Parking, however, is another thing.

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Chaud et Froid |

While walking down Laurier Street, I noticed a

On St. Laurent, I kept an eye out for something that looked like it might give me a good steak. I had barely eaten anything that day and at 3 pm, I was ready to sink my teeth into something. I was glad to see that there was nary a franchised fast food joint to be found. It really says something about a city where individual and independent businesses can flourish with vitality on their own . That said, I wasn’t really finding what I was looking for, as far as a good beef dinner. I didn’t really want to stop to ask anyone to betray my serious shortcomings in my fluency in the French language. I can be borderline functional with the language but was far from the point of being conversational, and I didn’t want to employ it only to receive a Bird Parker flurry of French as a reply. It was not really unusual for me to hear French as a conversation to eavesdrop on anymore, living in Ottawa, but I knew that my hometown of Niagara didn’t have this kind of language diversity. There are only pockets of Canada where bilingualism actually functions fully. Also, I had to remind myself often that I was in North America, not Europe, in the only part of it (Quebec) that decidedly wasn't English first… except for Mexico, of course, although it can be said that Mexico is decidedly not European; identifiable with its own distinct culture apart from Spanish influences.

On the way back, I stopped by an artisanal beer shop called Épicerie Unique on St.Laurent, conveniently just around the corner from where I was staying. Inside were shelves from floor to rafters, wall to wall of rare and unusual beers and ciders I was looking for one in particular, a Quebecois beer called (swear word alert!) Maudite. Years ago when I was collecting unusual bottles, I had found a case simply in Brewer’s Retail in Niagara. For the beer itself, I found it too heavy and bitter, but that’s not really what I was interested in. What I was really after was the label. On it, there was the beautiful painting of a group of voyageurs, fur-traders that travelled Canada by canoe in the 17th and 18th century, of which French Canadians are very proud, as many are descended from them. But what makes the scene so memorable is the fact that the canoe is flying high in the air above the trees against a backdrop of a blazing, almost hellish sunset. It comes from the legend “La Chasse Galerie”, or The Bewitched Canoe, in which some paddlers were homesick on one New Year’s Eve and begged the devil to send them home as quickly as possible so they could celebrate with their families. The devil agreed, on the condition that none of them mention religion during the trip. To fail in this would mean the loss of their souls. The devil then sent them on a terrifying and reckless ride above the treetops, during which one of them shouts the religious curse “Maudit!”, thusly sentencing all the men to forever paddle through hell, and on the last night of every year, above the rooftops of Quebec. I looked for the bottle, only wanting one for display, but they only came in six packs. I asked the lady behind the counter in English if she had it in single bottles, but she didn’t understand me, so I stumbled through the question in broken French. It felt very awkward to say “maudit” to a French woman. I almost couldn’t say it. Nonetheless, she showed me a large bottle, the size of regular wine bottle, and there it was, La Chasse Galerie, in all its demonic glory. I purchased it proudly.
I ended the night writing all my notes and observations for this blog entry, checking Facebook once in a while and even had a brief phone conversation with my brother Henry. He had always been concerned for me in my solitude, often checking in to see how I was. I could tell him that night with certainty that I was happy, excited and exactly where I wanted to be. After pouring myself a nightcap in the form of a glass of sherry, I went outside and sat atop the steps by the front balcony and watched people walk by. It had stopped raining. In fact, the clouds had broken and given up an expansive view of the stars. I tried to guess which constellations I was looking at, but wasn’t sure which direction was North, knowing my own map of the sky with that bearing in mind. Another hindrance was the fact that, being in the heart of the largest metropolitan area in Canada, most of the stars were obscured in the haze of light pollution. I just had to be glad that the stars were out. I sat atop the stairs and spied feral cats, like the ones that haunt Heather O’Neill’s Montreal, ever present, walking casually in and out of the narrative like a choral aside to her flowery butterfly sentences. I watched small herds of friends walking through in their animated talk in different languages. I saw how there wasn’t a single person that was walking alone, and it made me think of what an anomaly I was, to be there all by myself, doing all the things I am, alone. It didn’t bother me. In fact, I felt free. I was there, completely on my own terms and at my own pace, sitting up above, watching life go by. I was happy and content. When the sherry made me muzzy and dull enough to lapse into sleep, I closed everything up and went to lay down on a foreign bed.
The next morning became a mission to find a cafe. I googled for the ‘Nearest Cafe’ and five of them popped up. Cafe Noble was the only one open and at a walkable distance. I got dressed, packed my wallet, my phone and a book to read into my shoulder bag and took off down Rue Laurier. It was overcast, but without rain, so it was a nice short walk to Rue St. Denis. I found the cafe to be just a small corner shop, more kiosk than shop actually, with tables crowding the doorway on the sidewalk. With my coffee, I tried to sit and read there, with Lou Reed, then Bruce Springsteen attempting a mood from the speakers inside, but I couldn’t abide the sense of other patrons hovering over me while they poured their cream on the counter behind me. To allay my autistic senses screaming for space, I got up and walked along Laurier some more. I noticed people coming out of a building in droves and when I went to look at it, I found that it was the subway station. I hadn’t known that it was so close. Another chalk-up to this already wonderful neighbourhood. I tried to find some information on how I would be able to go to Ville Marie via the subway, already knowing how tricky the parking would be, but when none could be found, I walked back to the apartment to look on the internet to answer my question. Again, even with translation into English, I couldn’t be educated enough to risk using it without confidence. With numerous places to go in just a little bit of time, I wasn’t convinced it would cater to my meandering itinerary. I would have to do the trip with my car, which would mean giving up my coveted spot in front of the school and surrender myself to the mercy of the invisible parking gremlins downtown.
I found that the route to the old city to be relatively simple, so I drove southeast with only occasional small zigzags to the waterfront. Arriving there, it was disappointing to see the carnival atmosphere along the St. Lawrence riverbanks. There were zipline parks, bouncy castles and ice cream shops all along there, but the worst was the large towering ferris wheel hogging the landscape. It all reminded me of Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls, which is a screaming, gaudy, obscene tourist trap, complete with its own overpriced giant ferris wheel ride. None of it said anything at all about Montreal, but clamoured for your money like a belligerent midway hawker. Every major city seems to think that they need that same goddamned ferris wheel. I hope to God that Ottawa never considers it.

After heading home for a brief sleep, I stretched out with the laptop to investigate the subway for a possible route into Little Burgundy for what I was hoping to be the capper for this Montreal trip, a meal at Joe Beef’s on Rue Notre-Dame Ouest. They were a bit of a current sensation as of late, having been spotlighted by Anthony Bourdain and had recently had a high profile bro-date between Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama at their famous tables. One thing that really turned me onto them was, when I when Anthony Bourdain highlighted their dish “Hot Oysters on a Radio”, which is actually three oysters on an antique radio. It was so out there and… I don’t know- photogenic!, I just had to sample that. So I studied the website for the Montreal Metro and found that its Orange Line had a direct train straight to within a kilometre of the restaurant, no transfers. This was looking really good. Through the website, I saw they wouldn’t be open until 6:00 and it was only 3 at the time. Enough time for another walk around the neighbourhood.
I was happy to find that I was close to Rue St. Urbain, just a few blocks south of where I was staying. St. Urbain was the setting for the best offerings of Mordecai Richler. He described the street and its community so well, with its rich character and colourful humanity, I felt like I was on my way to meeting a celebrity. It was that familiar to me.

Thankfully, the rain let up in time for me to walk over to the subway station for my trip to Little Burgundy. Not wanting to be caught in an unanticipated rain again, I made sure my umbrella was hooked onto the belt loop of my shorts just in case. Gladly, I never needed it. I found it pretty easy to buy a two way ticket at the machine, as it also provided an English option. I just went through the turnstile and descended the stairs and a train was right there. What a convenience to have a train come every 5 minutes! I followed the route map and counted the stations to Lionel-Groulx. Once there, the GPS on my phone was a little put off by the fact I was walking and not driving and took me a little out of the way, but I soon found what I was looking for: Joe Beef! There was a lineup outside and everyone looked so formally dressed, I was a little ashamed to be in my tee shirt and shorts. I should have known. When the doors finally opened, I met the hostess at the podium to tell her I was a party of one. She asked me if I had reservations, and I said no. Her face kind of went weird and she told me that they usually only take reservations but if I could hold on a minute, she would see what she could do. When she returned, she apologized that they were all booked up. I told her it was alright and turned out back to the street. Again, I should have known. I should have known to check to see if there needed to be reservations made to a restaurant of this notoriety. What a bumpkin I was. Bitterly disappointed, I walked along Rue Notre-Dame and tried to figure out what I should do. I knew there was a sister-restaurant to Joe Beef in The Liverpool House, but most likely that would need reservations too. I had budgeted for an expensive meal, didn’t see anything that would satisfy my plan. I contemplated just returning to the apartment, until I saw L’Gros Luxe just across the street from Joe Beef. It looked fancy enough to make me happy, yet pedestrian enough to not be out of reach. I walked in, took a place at a bar and ordered a L’Gros Burger and a pint of St-Ambroise Noire. It was all delicious, but I couldn’t console myself over my stupid oversight. There I was, sitting at a bar with a hang-dog look on my face, surrounded by happy couples and groups talking away while I nommed and grogged away silently all by myself. When I was done, I paid a hefty tip for the bartender, then went back out into the night. Remembering the mistake that my GPS had made earlier, I took the short way back to the subway station and made a quick run back to le Plateau and back to the apartment.
At the desk, I checked different reviews for Joe Beef and found that there were both good and bad reviews for the place. Indeed the food was always excellent, but at times the staff would drop the ball and keep a patron waiting too long for their food. This seemed like a common complaint. I sighed to myself, and to no one in particular I said I would remember next time. I wrote my notes, then like the night before, went to sit on the front steps. Sitting above the heads of the people that were walking by through the amber light, I could listen to their murmurings to each other. I had been feeling my thoughts slipping into that pit of self- loathing, the thoughts of punishing myself for being alone and wondering if I should partner up with someone again. I texted a few people and waited for their responses, but during that wait, I realized I should not have to wait at all. I didn’t need to depend on anyone. I was there in a gorgeous city, rich with culture and personality, totally on my own terms, and even with some disappointments, I was happy and excited to be there. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time. When I was talking to people about my trip beforehand, a lot of them said they didn’t like Montreal. It was too busy, the traffic was insane, the drivers are horrible and it’s one big tourist trap. I came here and found that all of those opinions have a solid base. All of that was true. But here in le Plateau du Mont Royal, I had found that magical and beautiful place that I had read about and fallen in love with. I had found Mordecai Richler’s Montreal. I had found Heather O’Neill’s Montreal. This is what I would take away. It was a beautiful thing and I felt richer for having been there. These thoughts made me feel worlds better.
The next day when I woke up, I stripped my friend’s beddings that I had slept in, straightened out her apartment and watered her plants. I took the beddings down to the laundromat directly across the Fairmount Bakery, went to the Italian cafe next to it and ordered an Americano coffee, then headed to a bench to read the poetry book the laundromat had in its stack of books it had saved for its patrons. I watched life come and go from the bakery and sipped from what was probably the greatest cup of coffee I had ever had in my life. It was Canada Day, and I was considering going to the lookout bunker that was at the Remic Rapids in Ottawa so I could watch the fireworks over the Parliament Buildings after the sun went down. First though, I planned to head north to Morin Heights where I could take a look at Le Studio, the former recording studio where Rush had recorded their watershed albums Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures and several others. It would be a kind of pilgrimage for me, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. I was alone, but I had so much to do just in one day. I had a whole summer of things to do. I would go visit my sister Margaret in Kingston and my other sister Liza in Toronto. I would go to my hometown of Niagara on the Lake with my younger brother John to see the Rheostatics play their reunion tour. I would write poetry, entries for this blog, short fiction, but would mostly concentrate on finally writing a novel, something I had always meant to do. There were things I wanted to get done and this was the time to do them. Who knew how busy a solitary life could be?
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